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Las organizaciones ecologistas advierten de que el proyecto de Gas Natural afectará al parque de Doñana. |
Desde el 15 de marzo –fecha de su publicación en el Boletín Oficial del Estado–, laextracción de gas en Doñana es de utilidad pública. El Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo en funciones ha bendecido con este reconocimiento el subproyecto Marismas Occidental, el primero de los cuatro planeados por Gas Natural Fenosa, a través de sus filiales Petroleum Oil & Gas España y Gas Natural Almacenamientos Andalucía, dentro o en los límites del parque natural.
La presencia de Gas Natural Fenosa en Doñana para la extracción de hidrocarburos viene de finales de la década de los 80. Desde entonces, han paseado por su consejo de administración nombres de la política como el de Felipe González, Santiago Cobo –marido de la hasta el pasado año alcaldesa de Cádiz y actual diputada Teófila Martínez–, o Nemesio Fernández-Cuesta Luca de Tena, exsecretario de Estado de Energía y Recursos Naturales.
The portugee economy is in the toilet, and droves of it's citizens are fleeing to neighboring Spain to work just to put food on the table! Those who don't go to Spain are swimming, or jumping on bannana boats to go to Angola or Mozambique just to sell their body for cod to feed their families. The slightly better off portugee are flying to Brasil to live in a favela that is much better than the poor, decrepid conditions they live in now; at least here they can eat.
ResponEliminaThe portugee are an ignorant bunch stuck in a mental time-warp that only focus on a national soccer team that has never won a single Euro or World Cup and "how" good things were in the distant past rather than focusing on their now deteriorated, non-existant economy, and how bad things really are today.
This is "why" they can't seem to see the log stuck in their eyes but see the splinters in everybody elses eyes. I do find it ironic that they are racist toward Spain, Angola, Mozambique and Brazil only to later go look for a better life in these countries!!
*stay away from portugal, dont do business there!